The CWC Board meets monthly at the Corporation’s offices in Arkville, Delaware County. The CWC Board consists of 15 members. Twelve of them are elected officials representing West-of-Hudson Watershed municipalities. Delegates are elected to the Board by Supervisors of the 39 towns in the Watershed.
Board representation is proportional to population within the Watershed: The Board includes six members from Delaware County, two from Ulster County, two from Greene County, and one each from Sullivan and Schoharie Counties.
In addition, the Board includes a representative of New York City, appointed by the Mayor; a representative of New York State, appointed by the Governor; and a representative of the environmental community, also appointed by the Governor. The CWC Board meets monthly at Corporation offices in Arkville, Delaware County, NY.

Standing left to right: Dave Warne, Thomas Hoyt, George Haynes, Christopher Matthews, Allan Hinkley, Jeff Senterman, John Kosier, Joseph Cetta, James Sofranko, Thomas Snow, Jr.
Sitting left to right: Innes Kasanof, Alicia Terry, Tina Molé, Richard Parete and Arthur Merrill
Tina Molé
Supervisor of the Town of Bovina.
Tina is Chairman of the Delaware County Board of Supervisors. She grew up in Walton, holds an A.S. degree in Business Administration and has lived in Bovina since 1992.
Elected to CWC Board 2004, term expires 2028.
Richard Parete
Supervisor, Town of Marbletown.
Rich is a lifelong resident of the Town of Marbletown Ulster County. He is a graduate of Rondout Valley High School and Syracuse University. When not working as a field technician for Verizon Communications in Kingston, he is active in youth wrestling.
Elected to CWC Board 2011, term expires 2027.
Innes Kasanof
Supervisor, Town of Halcott.
Innes is also a former member of the Greene County Planning Board. She worked beside husband Tony Kasanof, a Cultural Affairs Officer, in US embassies and consulates in Turkey, Israel, Morocco and the former Soviet Union before retiring to Halcott in the late 1980s.
Elected to CWC Board 2012, term expires 2027.
Christopher Mathews
Supervisor, Town of Neversink.
Chris was elected Supervisor of the Town of Neversink in 2015. He has been in the building and real estate business for more than 30 years. He has also served on the town Zoning Board of Appeals, and as a Councilman. In his free time, Chris and his wife Caryn scour the Catskills for rare and interesting antiques.
Elected to CWC Board in 2019, term expires 2027.
Arthur Merrill
Supervisor, Town of Colchester.
Art, a lifelong resident of Colchester, is a business owner in Downsville. He has been a Town Board member for more than 20 years and also serves as Delaware County Budget Director. Art is a retired High School English teacher. His family’s farm celebrated 150 years in 2018.
Elected to CWC Board 2018; term expires 2026.
Alicia Terry
Supervisor, Town of Gilboa.
After serving Schoharie County for over 32 years in various roles including Director of Planning, Alicia was elected to the office of Town Supervisor for the Town of Gilboa. A life long resident of the Town, she and her husband live in her grandparent’s house and share a passion for agriculture.
Elected to CWC Board 2021, term expires 2025.
Board Members
Joseph Cetta
Supervisor, Town of Walton.
Joe, a lifelong resident of Walton, He has been the Town Supervisor since 2018. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and is a retired Military Officer. Joe is an active member of the Walton Fire Department.
Elected to CWC Board in 2020, term expires in 2028.
George Haynes, Jr.
Supervisor, Town of Kortright.
George, born in Delaware County, he has lived in Bloomville since 1986. Partner in Greene Brass & Aluminum Foundry located in Greene County.
Owner of G. Haynes Holdings, Inc., a holding company for The Old Slaughterhouse Garage, Bloomville Disposal Service and Catskill Castings all located in Bloomville, NY.
Elected to CWC Board in 2024, term expires in 2028.
Allen Hinkley
Supervisor, Town of Roxbury.
Elected to CWC Board in 2020, term expires in 2026.
Thomas Hoyt
Supervisor, Town of Windham.
A lifelong resident of Windham. Thomas is also the Town’s former Highway Superintendent serving from 1998 to 2016.
Elected to CWC Board in 2020, term expires 2028.
John Kosier
Supervisor, Town of Stamford.
John was born and raised in Delaware County and is a lifelong resident. He is a retired childcare worked from Allen Residential Center in South Kortright. John is a member/officer of South Kortright Fire Department and possess a class B commercial drivers license. John is also a member of Knights of Columbus (Stamford) and was elected as Stamford Town Supervisor in 2019.
Elected to CWC Board in 2024, term expires 2028.
Jeff Senterman
Executive Director of the Catskill Center.
Jeff came to the Catskill Center in 2015 after serving as program coordinator for the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference in the Catskill region. He has worked as an environmental planner and as an assistant forest ranger in the Catskills, and is an avid hiker and outdoorsman. He holds a bachelors in environmental science from Lyndon State College, VT.
Appointed as the environmental community’s representative to the Board in 2018.
Tom R. Snow, Jr.
Director, Watershed Programs and Flood Resiliency, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
First appointed to CWC Board by NYS Governor 2004.
James Sofranko
Supervisor, Town of Olive.
Jim has lived in West Shokan for over 35 years where he owned an electrical contracting business before retiring in 2020. Prior to his electrical business, Jim worked as a gaffer and Director of Photography in the film business for 20 years. He was elected to the Olive Town Board in 2013.
Elected to CWC Board in 2017, term expires 2025.
David S. Warne
Assistant Commissioner and Director of Watershed Protection Programs for the NYCDEP’s Bureau of Water Supply, acts as alternate to NYC Mayor Appointee.