Ed Renehan
The Roxbury of John Burroughs’ Youth & Old Age Edward Renehan, Jr. is a writer and editorial/publishing consultant. He is the author of JOHN BURROUGHS: AN AMERICAN NATURALIST (Black Dome Press, 1998) as well as WALT WHITMAN AND JOHN BURROUGHS, LITERARY COMRADES, published by the Vassar College Library in 2008. He most recently wrote the introduction for the SUNY Press reprint of John Burroughs’s IN THE CATSKILLS and MY BOYHOOD. Ed will guide our vir- tual visit to the Roxbury of Burroughs’s youth and old age–the place where in his last decade he nostalgically dealt with what he called “a homesick- ness that home cannot cure.” Joins us at the Catskill Watershed Corporation in Arkville, NY, 1pm. Free program.
All other Wild Saturday programs are at Woodchuck Lodge.


May 04 2024


1:00 pm