Community Wastewater

Providing reliable wastewater treatment and decommissioning of failing individual on-site septic systems that could pose a threat to water quality.

Wastewater Overview

The CWC wastewater program funds the planning, design and construction of community septic systems, wastewater treatment plants and/or the creation of septic maintenance districts in several hamlets identified in the 1997 NYC Watershed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).

1250 gallon septic tanks for community waste water system, Lexington NY

Reliable Treatment

The intent of the program is to provide reliable wastewater treatment in specified population centers and the decommissioning of individual, on-site septic systems whose failure could pose a threat to water quality. In the case of maintenance districts, regular inspections, pump outs and repairs are made to on-site septic systems to prevent such contamination.

Installing lateral lines and risers for cleanouts and inspection ports, South Kortright, NY

Evaluation, Design & More

The program, coordinated by Lamont Engineers of Cobleskill, evaluates, designs and constructs wastewater treatment systems tailored to each community according to the number and location of buildings, terrain, soil composition, cost-benefit ratio and other considerations.

Establishing septic districts, adopting use ordinances, obtaining easements and rights of way, conducting environmental reviews, selecting contractors and overseeing construction are part of this multifaceted program in each community.

View inside Orenco Filter Pods, Lexington, NY

Wastewater Grants & Fees

Construction, as well as ongoing operation and maintenance costs, are subsidized by block grants from the NYC DEP.

When community wastewater projects are completed they become the responsibility of respective municipalities. Residential property owners pay a set annual use fee. Business owners’ fees are levied according to water use.

Completed Systems

Community septic system designed to handle 20,000 gallons per day (gpd) from 72 connections. Large diameter gravity sewer carries wastewater to large absorption beds.

Septic maintenance district consists of 59 on-site septic systems. All are inspected annually or every three years, and are repaired or replaced as needed.

Community septic system designed for 26,000 gpd. 91 connections are serviced by large diameter gravity sewer collection system. Wastewater flows through recirculating sand filter, thence to shallow absorption beds.

Community septic system designed for 30,000 gpd; 108 connections serviced by large diameter gravity sewer collection system. Wastewater flows through recirculating sand filter, thence to shallow absorption beds.

Wastewater treatment plant designed for 75,000 gpd with 125 connections, serviced by large diameter gravity sewer collection system. Plant consists of sequencing batch reactor, sand filtration, microfiltration and ultraviolet disinfection prior to discharge into the Esopus Creek.

Provided replacement of 14 onsite Septic Systems that are part of a Septic Maintenance District-(SMD) which has funding available to complete the remaining 45 systems within the Town of Dennings hamlet of Claryville as they have been identified as failures.

Provided replacement of 9 onsite failed Septic Systems that are part of a Septic Maintenance District-(SMD) which has funding available to complete the remaining 62 systems within the Town of Neversinks hamlet of Claryville as they have been identified as failures.

Wastewater treatment plant designed for 26,000 gpd with 80 connections serviced by small diameter gravity sewer collection system. Septic tank effluent is conveyed to treatment plant with recirculating sand filter beds, microfiltration and ultraviolet disinfection prior to discharge into Bataviakill stream.

Community septic system designed for 16,000 gpd with 55 connections serviced by small diameter gravity sewer collection system. Septic tank effluent is conveyed to three treatment sites with shallow absorption beds.

Community septic system designed for 25,000 gpd with 66 connections serviced by a small diameter gravity sewer collection system. Septic tank effluent is conveyed to pre-treatment filtration units, thence to a series of absorption beds.

Wastewater (up to 20,000 gpd) from 53 connections is transported via large diameter gravity sewer collection system to the Village of Hobart wastewater treatment plant three miles northeast.

Replaced 24 Onsite Septic Systems that were identified on the priority list as failures and is in the newly formed Septic Maintenance District-(SMD). This SMD is setup to have onsite and remote systems. There is funding available to complete the remaining 36 systems within the hamlet of Shandaken once they have been identified as a failure.

Systems in Design

Community septic system designed for 26,000 gpd. 91 connections are serviced by large diameter gravity sewer collection system. Wastewater flows through recirculating sand filter, thence to shallow absorption beds.

Systems Under Construction