Work With Us
Stormwater Seminar by Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS)
When: Thursday, March 6th
Time: 9am-1pm (registration begins at 8:30am)
Where: Catskill Watershed Corporation
669 County Highway 38, Arkville NY 12406
Lunch will be provided
3 PDH credits for professional engineers will be provided for this training course.
Registration deadline is February 27th.
If you do not have access to the internet, please call our office and speak to Samantha Costa at 845-586-1400 or e-mail
Employment Opportunities
A Sealed bid for Elevating 4 Buildings (BID NO.: Bid-01) will be received at the following address:
Catskill Watershed Corporation (CWC)
669 County Highway 38, Suite 1
Arkville, NY 12406
until 2:00 PM local time on Thursday, March 20, 2025, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. CWC will hold a mandatory pre-bid meeting 10:00 AM local time on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at Prattsville Town Hall (14517 Main Street in Prattsville, NY).
The Project generally consists of the following work at four separate buildings:
1. 14517 Main Street, Prattsville, NY (Prattsville Town Hall)
2. 14428 Main Street, Prattsville, NY (McDonagh Residence)
3. 14706 Main Street, Prattsville, NY (Murnan Residence)
4. 7925 Main Street, Hunter, NY (Fitzpatrick-Papa Building)
The proposed work for each building includes: asbestos abatement or decontamination (as needed); removal of shrubs, sidewalks, pavement or pads immediately adjacent to building perimeter (as needed); trenching around the building perimeter (as needed); installation of rigging beams prior to lift, mechanically lifting the entire 1st (and upper) floors by several feet (per plans); demolishing the existing concrete or masonry foundation; constructing a new concrete foundation with engineered vents; backfilling the basement interior to adjacent ground; lowering the building onto the new foundation (as needed); attaching the structure to the new foundation; backfilling trenches around perimeter around building; installing new mechanical room (if shown on plans); installing new stairs and stair landings (per plans); installing new ADA-approved wooden ramp or platform lift (if shown on plans); installation of new sidewalks (if shown on plans); finished grading and plantings around building perimeter. If applicable, the proposed mechanical room is to contain electrical panels, hot water tanks, furnaces, boilers and other mechanicals relocated from the former basement. Miscellaneous plumbing work and electrical work are also proposed to support utility relocations and reconnections, and to extend the building sewer and water service lines starting from 5 feet outside the building to inside of the building.
This work will be awarded as multiple prime contracts. The Bid will be received on a lump sum basis with alternates, if included on the Bid Form. Participation goals and use of minority and women-owned business enterprises and service-disabled veteran-owned business enterprises is strongly encouraged but not required. Participation goals are 15% for minority-owned business enterprises (MBEs), 15% for women-owned business enterprises (WBEs) and 6% for service-disabled veteran-owned business enterprises (SDVBE).
Work shall be substantially completed by Dec 1, 2025. Final restoration shall be completed and the project ready for final payment by Feb 1, 2026.
The Bid should not include sales and compensating use taxes on materials incorporated into the work.
If the Bid is actually received by mail or by hand after the appointed time on the date specified it shall be rejected, notwithstanding that such Bid may have been placed in a mailbox or other mail receptacle regularly maintained by the United States Postal Service before such time, and ordinarily in sufficient
time to have been delivered on time. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the Bid must accompany the Bid in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond, each in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price. Bidders
will also be required to furnish a Non-Collusive Affidavit.
Drawings and Specifications may be examined at the following locations:
Catskill Watershed Corporation (CWC HQ)
669 County Highway Route 38, Arkville, NY 12406
John Mathiesen
(845) 586-1400
The bidding and contract documents for this Project will be available electronically at: A hardcopy of the contract documents will be available for viewing at CWC HQ.
Note that only bidders who register with LaBella Associates will receive notification of Addenda.
This project is publicly funded. The Bidders must comply with New York State Department of Labor Prevailing Wage Rate Schedule and conditions of employment and Federal Davis-Bacon Wage Rate Schedule.
Attention of Bidders is particularly called to the requirements for ensuring that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
Catskill Watershed Corporation, as Owner, reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in the Bid received, or to reject any Bid without explanation.
CWC’s internships are hands on experiences designed to provide you with a comprehensive learning experience by gaining practical knowledge working with CWC staff and program administration, program applicants located throughout the watershed, project contractors and engineers, and watershed partners and regulators. If you are interested in an internship with one of our programs please, send a resume and cover letter to 669 County Highway 38, Suite 1 Arkville NY, 12406 or email to